
Applying Scoped Styles in CSS: Introducing the @scope Rule

Introducing @scope in CSS

CSS is constantly evolving, and with each new version, we witness exciting advancements in the way we style and design our websites. In this post, we’ll explore one of the highly anticipated features of CSS 5+: the introduction of the @scope rule.

The @scope rule is a powerful addition to the CSS specification that allows us to apply styles exclusively within a specific scope or context. This new feature brings more flexibility and control to our stylesheet organization, making it easier to manage complex CSS architectures.

Understanding the @scope Rule

The @scope rule works by creating a local scope for CSS rules within a given container. By doing so, it prevents these rules from affecting elements outside of the defined scope. This can be particularly useful when working with component-based architectures or when we want to isolate styles to specific sections of our website.

To define a scope, we use the @scope at-rule followed by a selector. For example:

@scope .my-container {
  /* Styles within this scope won't affect elements outside of .my-container */
  background-color: #f2f2f2;
  color: #333;

In the above example, any styles defined within the @scope .my-container { ... } block will only apply to elements within the container with the class of .my-container, effectively isolating the styles within that context.

Benefits and Use Cases

The addition of the @scope rule brings various benefits to the table. Let’s take a look at some of the use cases where it can be particularly handy:

1. Scoped Components

When building complex web applications, we often use components to encapsulate functionality and design. With the @scope rule, we can now easily style these components without worrying about unwanted style bleeding. It provides a convenient way to define scoped styles for individual components, ensuring they look and function as intended.

2. Theming

Theming is an essential aspect of web design, and the @scope rule can aid in creating more robust theming systems. By defining styles within a specific scope, we can easily switch themes by applying different classes to the appropriate containers. This eliminates the need for complicated class name modifications throughout the entire stylesheet.

3. Third-party Integrations

Incorporating third-party libraries or widgets into our websites can sometimes lead to style conflicts. By utilizing the @scope rule, we can create a protected environment for these integrations, ensuring their styles won’t affect the rest of our website while still allowing customization within their designated scope.

Applying Styles Within the Scope

To see the @scope rule in action, let’s add some styles that will only apply to elements within the <main> container. Modify styles.css as follows:

@scope main {
    background-color: #f2f2f2;
    color: #333;

@scope main h2 {
    font-size: 24px;

@scope main p {
    font-size: 16px;
    line-height: 1.5;

In this example, we’ve added styles for <h2> and <p> tags within the <main> container. These styles will be isolated and won’t affect elements outside of the <main> container.

Browser Support and Considerations

As with any new CSS feature, it’s essential to consider browser support and fallbacks. While the @scope rule shows great promise, it’s important to check for compatibility before implementing it into production projects. You can always refer to resources such as caniuse.com to verify support across different browsers and versions.


The introduction of the @scope rule in CSS brings exciting possibilities for managing styles within defined contexts. It empowers developers to create more maintainable and robust stylesheets, especially in complex projects. As browser support improves over time, we can expect to see more widespread adoption of this feature and its integration into modern web development practices.

Happy styling!