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Mastering the Power of SCSS: Interpolation and Mixins

SCSS (Sassy CSS) is an extension of CSS that introduces advanced features like interpolation and mixins to make styling code more powerful and flexible. Let’s dive into how they work:

Interpolation allows you to dynamically inject values into your CSS selectors, property names, or property values using the #{$variable} syntax. This can be quite handy when you want to create reusable or dynamic styles. For instance, consider the following example:

$color: red;

.#{$color}-text {
  color: $color;

In this example, the interpolation is used to dynamically generate a CSS class .red-text with the color property set to the value of the $color variable. This allows you to easily change the color by modifying the variable, without having to update individual CSS rules.

Here are a few examples of fill interpolation in SCSS:

Example 1: Dynamic Colors

$primary-color: blue;
$secondary-color: green;

.$primary-color-text {
  color: #{$primary-color};

.$secondary-color-text {
  color: #{$secondary-color};

In this example, the fill interpolation is used to dynamically generate CSS classes with color properties based on the values of the $primary-color and $secondary-color variables. This allows you to easily create text styles with different colors by modifying the variables.

Example 2: Dynamic Font Sizes

$font-sizes: (
  small: 12px,
  medium: 16px,
  large: 24px

@each $size, $value in $font-sizes {
  .$size {
    font-size: $value;

In this example, fill interpolation is used within a @each loop to generate CSS classes for different font sizes. The $font-sizes map contains key-value pairs where the key represents the class name and the value represents the font size. The fill interpolation is used to dynamically generate the class names and assign the corresponding font sizes.

Example 3: Dynamic Breakpoints

$breakpoints: (
  small: 576px,
  medium: 768px,
  large: 992px

@each $breakpoint, $value in $breakpoints {
  @media (min-width: $value) {
    .container-#{$breakpoint} {
      max-width: $value;

In this example, fill interpolation is used within a @each loop and a media query to generate CSS classes for responsive breakpoints. The $breakpoints map contains key-value pairs where the key represents the class name and the value represents the minimum width for the breakpoint. The fill interpolation is used to dynamically generate the class names and assign the corresponding max-width values within the media query.

These examples demonstrate how fill interpolation in SCSS allows you to create dynamic and reusable styles based on variables and maps.

Mixins are a way to define reusable blocks of styles that can be included in multiple selectors. They help reduce duplication and improve code organization. Here’s an example of how mixins work:

@mixin border-radius($radius) {
  border-radius: $radius;

.button {
  @include border-radius(5px);

In this example, a mixin border-radius is defined with a parameter $radius. It sets the border-radius property using the provided value. The mixin is then included in the .button selector using @include, and the value 5px is passed as the argument.

This allows you to easily apply the same border-radius to multiple selectors by simply including the mixin with different values.

These are just a few examples of how interpolation and mixins can be used in SCSS. They offer a lot of flexibility and power when organizing and reusing styles in your projects.