Understanding React’s UI Rendering Process

Learn about React's efficient UI rendering process using the Virtual DOM. Explore the concept of reconciliation and understand how React updates the actual DOM with minimal changes.

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One of the key reasons behind its popularity is its efficient UI rendering process. In this blog post, we will delve into the inner workings of React’s UI rendering process and understand how it makes our web applications fast and responsive.

The Virtual DOM

At the heart of React’s rendering process lies the concept of the Virtual DOM. The Virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the actual DOM (Document Object Model) that React uses to track changes in the underlying data and efficiently update the user interface.

When you make changes to your React components, React creates a new Virtual DOM tree. It then compares this new tree with the previous one to identify the minimal set of changes required to update the actual DOM. This diffing algorithm is what makes React so efficient, as it avoids unnecessary re-rendering of the entire UI.


React’s reconciliation process is responsible for applying the identified changes to the actual DOM. It does this by updating only the necessary parts of the UI, rather than re-rendering the entire component tree.

React uses a diffing algorithm to determine which parts of the Virtual DOM have changed and need to be updated in the actual DOM. It compares the old and new Virtual DOM trees, and based on the differences, it generates a list of minimal changes to be applied.

Once the changes are identified, React applies them in a batched manner, minimizing the number of updates to the actual DOM. This approach significantly improves performance, especially when dealing with complex UIs with a large number of components.

Component Lifecycle

React components have a lifecycle that consists of several phases, each with its own methods that can be overridden to perform specific actions. These methods allow you to hook into different stages of a component’s life and perform tasks such as initializing state, fetching data, or cleaning up resources.

During the rendering process, React follows a specific order of lifecycle methods. It starts with the constructor method, followed by render, componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and finally, componentWillUnmount.

The render method is where the component’s UI is defined. It returns a React element, which is then used to create the Virtual DOM tree. The componentDidMount method is called after the component has been rendered to the actual DOM, making it a good place to perform any necessary setup tasks.

Similarly, the componentDidUpdate method is called whenever the component’s props or state change, allowing you to update the UI accordingly. Finally, the componentWillUnmount method is called just before the component is removed from the DOM, giving you an opportunity to clean up any resources.

Key Takeaways

Understanding React’s UI rendering process is crucial for building efficient and performant web applications. By leveraging the Virtual DOM, React minimizes the number of updates to the actual DOM, resulting in faster rendering and improved user experience.

Additionally, React’s reconciliation process and component lifecycle methods provide developers with fine-grained control over the rendering process, allowing for optimized performance and better code organization.

So the next time you’re building a web application with React, keep in mind the underlying principles and techniques that make React’s UI rendering process so powerful.

I do recommend going further and watching this video talk from Anthony Garritano that explains the basics of UI rendering with JavaScript through a Virtual DOM, makes you understand React’s Reconciliation (the process of determining which Virtual DOM nodes should be turned into real DOM nodes) and have more confidence about the frontend technology decisions they make in their roles.

Happy coding!